We are proud to announce that MSGF program is sponsoring the Japan Investment Conference (JIC) 2024, which will be held on May 23rd at the Tokyo Convention Hall. The JIC is the annual flagship event organized by the CFA Society Japan.
The theme of JIC 2024 is “Unlocking the potential of AI”.
The conference will showcase the latest trends in applying AI to the asset management business and invite practitioners and experts from both Japan and overseas as guest speakers and panelists to discuss the background and impact of these developments on the asset management business.
The JIC 2024 is divided into three sections.
The first section, the marketing section, introduces how AI changes Sales Force Automation/Customer Relationship Management in the asset management sector. We also have a panel discussion with guest panelists from a Fintech company, a security firm, and an XaaS company to discuss the measures to deliver effectiveness in the asset management business and showcase their best practices on the customer experience.
In the second section, the middle and back office section, the guest speakers explain how AI can contribute to higher productivity and enhanced risk management from the practitioner’s point of view.
In the last section, the front section, we will focus on how advanced AI technologies can be applied to investment strategies and what benefits can be derived from the application of AI to ESG and SDGs investing. Panelists from an asset management company, academic, and data provider also discuss their initiatives on these issues and global trends from each viewpoint to find out practical implications.
Come and meet us at the conference!
